News Articles

Monday6th Aug 2012

  • News More Fire Emblem DLC On Its Way To Japan This Month

    Downloadable strategy

    Fire Emblem Awakening may not be out in the West yet, but its Japanese equivalent — known as Fire Emblem: Kakusei — is about to get its second helping of DLC content. The latest in a long line of turn-based RPGs from Intelligent Systems, Fire Emblem: Kakusei has been a massive commercial hit in its native homeland, which...

Wednesday25th Jul 2012

  • News New Club Nintendo of Japan Rewards

    Featuring the Mario gang and Kirby

    Today Nintendo of Japan has added two more goodies to its already bountiful collection of merchandise on the Club Nintendo website. For a mere 200 points you can bag yourself a rather snazzy-looking 40x40mm Kirby 20th Anniversary Special Collection medallion, to celebrate Kirby's recent escapade at the top of the...

Friday22nd Jun 2012

Thursday7th Jun 2012

  • E3 2012 Reggie Confirms Fire Emblem Awakening for America

    Everybody gets a turn

    Although there was no mention of it during last night's 3DS software showcase, Fire Emblem: Awakening is coming to North America. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed to IGN the turns-based strategy RPG will make it across the Atlantic, but at the moment we don't know any more. Nintendo Europe recently...

Wednesday25th Apr 2012

  • News Fire Emblem: Awakening Battles to Number One in Japanese Chart

    An early victory

    The latest Media Create Japanese chart results are in, and Fire Emblem: Awakening has stormed to the software number one position with an impressive 242,600 sales: more than the other nine top ten titles combined. The intriguing Code of Princess, an action-brawler on 3DS, made its debut at number two with a more modest 19,554 units...

  • News Nintendo America Registers Fire Emblem 3DS Domain

    And relax

    So far only Nintendo Japan and Nintendo Europe have confirmed their plans for Fire Emblem Kakusei (aka Fire Emblem: Awakening), but it looks like Nintendo of America will be right behind them. The North American arm registered the domain, which currently redirects to The wing also registered domains...

Tuesday10th Apr 2012

  • News Marth's Fire Emblem: Awakening DLC Debut Confirmed

    Ready to join your party

    Fire Emblem: Awakening arrives in Japan on 19th April, and as expected it will be the first Nintendo published retail title on 3DS to feature DLC (downloadable content). It's a game with plenty of potential for additional add-on content, such as maps and additional characters, and the debut DLC appears to feature both. As...

Wednesday4th Apr 2012

  • News Fire Emblem: Awakening Pops The Question

    Will you marry me, Wyvern Rider?

    The release of Fire Emblem: Awakening is getting ever closer in Japan, with European gamers awaiting further clarification on the 'summer 2012' window and North American compatriots eagerly hoping for any news. Now that it's almost arrived in Nintendo's homeland the title has been the subject of an Iwata Asks column,...

Wednesday28th Mar 2012

  • News Five Glorious Minutes of Fire Emblem: Awakening Video

    What more do you need to know?

    It's all in Japanese, but that won't stop you enjoying this video of Fire Emblem: Kakusei (aka Fire Emblem: Awakening), will it? From dialogue and cut scenes to battles and maps, it's got all the daily Fire Emblem nutrition you need. The game's out in Japan next month. Nintendo of Europe has confirmed it'll release the...

Thursday22nd Mar 2012

  • News Fire Emblem Awakening Wireless Features Revealed

    Taking the battle to the streets

    Fire Emblem Kakusei, or Awakening as it'll be known outside of Japan, is starting to power up the hype generator. Within the latest batch of details revealed to the Japanese press is information about how StreetPass and SpotPass will be used, with some interesting results. As reported by Andriasang, there will be...

Wednesday21st Mar 2012

Wednesday14th Mar 2012

  • News New Fire Emblem Trailer Raises the Temperature

    Battles, and then more battles

    Upcoming 3DS title Fire Emblem: Kakusei, or Fire Emblem: Awakening as its known outside of Japan, undoubtedly has eager fans clamouring for a release date. With the title due to hit Japanese stores on 19th April specific worldwide details have not yet been forthcoming, though Europe has been confirmed for a 2012...

Monday27th Feb 2012

  • News Fire Emblem: Kakusei Cover Art Released

    Bringing the heat

    The Fire Emblem series has been around for 22 years, though it only became well known outside of Japan with the arrival of Game Boy Advance. Since that time there have been plenty of new titles, remakes and Virtual Console appearances released worldwide, so the announcement of Fire Emblem: Kakusei last year came as little surprise...

Wednesday22nd Feb 2012

  • News Fire Emblem 3DS Europe-Bound in 2012


    Fire Emblem (tentative) is coming to Europe in 2012, Nintendo has revealed. The strategy RPG is heading to 3DS before the year is out, with a full European translation and DLC plans. Nintendo reveals the first lot of DLC for the game in Japan will be free for a limited time, and will include new maps and story. Nintendo also says there may...

Wednesday15th Feb 2012

Friday10th Feb 2012

  • News Jump Magazine Forges More Fire Emblem 3DS Details

    Free Map returns

    If you're anticipating Fire Emblem Kakusei (that's Fire Emblem Awakening in English) for 3DS, you'll be pleased to know a few more details about the upcoming strategy RPG have reached our eyes. According to Jump Magazine (via Andriasang), the game brings back the free-roaming map system as seen recently in the GBA Ambassador...

Tuesday27th Dec 2011

  • News Fire Emblem to Start Japanese 3DS DLC Service in 2012

    Get more quests

    We haven't heard much about Fire Emblem on 3DS for the past few months, but Nikkei (via Andriasang) report the game will kick off the system's add-on DLC service in early 2012. Now called Fire Emblem: Awakening, the game will release in Japan on 19th April, with a new "free map" system letting you explore the world with a...

Tuesday13th Sep 2011

  • News Fire Emblem Strategising Its Way to 3DS

    All-new adventure slated for next year

    Among the plethora of games new and old shown during Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata's presentation during the 3DS Conference, a new entry in the fan-favorite Fire Emblem franchise was revealed for release next year. The final name is not known at the moment, but it is confirmed to be an all-new adventure and will...