It's that time again, North America, and after releasing a long awaited cult classic last week, the Nintendo Download Update is fairly reserved this week. There are some goodies to enjoy, nevertheless, so let's get to the details.

Wii U Virtual Console

Kid Icarus (Nintendo, $4.99) — Not the most prolific of franchises, to put it mildly, but this NES original certainly has its fans, and has also been reborn as a 3D Classic. With good variety in the admittedly limited number of levels, and severe challenge to boot, this is well regarded by plenty of retro gamers. We're playing this again for a fresh review to go live very soon, but until then you can check out our original Wii Virtual Console Kid Icarus review.

3DS eShop

Picross e2 (Jupiter Corporation, $5.99) — A good while after its arrival in Europe, the latest entry in this popular puzzle series finally lands in North America, with the third also on the way in September. With over 150 puzzles and more clean, simple presentation, this is certainly worth picking up for fans of the genre; check out our Picross e2 review for the full lowdown.

Chain Blaster (G-STYLE, $6.99) — The scrolling shmup genre is enjoying a mini-Renaissance of late, with Chain Blaster joining in on the 3DS eShop. In this case the focus is on precise shots to take out multiple chained enemies at once, with wildly firing as many shots as possible somewhat more restricted to tougher moments. With the trailer suggesting a pumping techno soundtrack to keep you going, this looks like a bit of a blast from the past — hopefully in a good way. We'll gear up and bring you a review soon.

3DS eShop Demo

Chain Blaster (G-STYLE, free)

3DS Retail Download

Angler's Club: Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D (D3Publisher of America, $29.95)


Cute Witch! runner (EnjoyUp Games, 200 Nintendo Points) — Based on the trailer and information provided so far, this appears to be the flying element from 3DS eShop release Dress to Play: Cute Witches! brought down to DSiWare, with the lack of dress-up replaced by challenges and a budget price. We'll hop on a broomstick to bring you a review.

So that's your lineup this week, North America. Let us know what you'll be downloading in the poll and comments below.

What will you be downloading first this week? (329 votes)

  1. Kid Icarus (Wii U Virtual Console)14%
  2. Picross e2 (3DS eShop)8%
  3. Chain Blaster (3DS eShop)4%
  4. Angler's Club: Ultimate Bass Fishing 3D (3DS retail download)  0.3%
  5. Cute Witch! runner (DSiWare)1%
  6. Just the Chain Blaster demo19%
  7. Nothing for me this week54%

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