And we're back for ten more! Let's-a go...

Share a Life

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Shared Lives
Image: Nintendo

Co-op in previous Mario titles used to be a case of one player carrying another, but it looks like that will be out the window in Wonder as it seems that the team will have to share lives.

Check out the count in the top left corner of the screen and you will see a singular number for the whole team rather than individual totals. We better get practising our platforming.

A Cap Fit for a Princess

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Peach Cap
Image: Nintendo

When leaping from a high platform, we couldn't help but notice that Peach has got a cap of her own for a glide animation rather than the dress float that we are used to seeing.

Why she isn't wearing it on her head at all times, we don't know, but it is nice to know that she always has a floatation device ready to go in her back pocket (disclaimer: we imagine that dress does not have pockets).

Bye Bye Bouncing

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Head Bouncing
Image: Nintendo

While we're in that co-op sizzle reel that came in the last third of the reveal, we couldn't help but notice a small change when two or more characters were jumping next to each other. That's right, the head bouncing is gone!

Or, at least, it seems to be gone. This started as a fun gimmick, we'll admit, but the constant aerial assaults got a little tiring after a while so we'll be glad to land safely on terra firma next to our plumber/princess pals this time around.

Score Talk

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Points
Image: Nintendo

On the subject of things disappearing, it looks like the classic points system has gone from the upcoming title, replaced by a word grading system from "Good" to "Wonderful". It adds a nice flare, but let's just hope that it doesn't become too distracting.

Bowser Jr.'s Neon Look

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Neon Bowser Jr.
Image: Nintendo

Ever wondered what Bowser Jr. would look like in a rave? We imagine something like this. It seems that this boss battle will see the baby baddy shrinking and growing as Mario attacks, so hopefully, we'll get a good chance to see the full neon outfit in all its glowing glory.

Tiny Crown

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Crown
Image: Nintendo

In all of the co-op clips, you might notice one player with a tiny crown above their head. We're assuming that this is the same feature that we saw in Super Mario 3D World, where the player with the highest score at the end of a level gets given a crown for the next one, but this will be the first time that the award has made its way over to a 2D game. Hence why it's so small and unwearable, we're guessing.

Mystery Mushroom Man

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Mushroom Man
Image: Nintendo

We have become so used to seeing a Toad greet Mario and co. at the finish line, that seeing this other fella pop up at the end of the trailer took us back a bit. Who is he? Are there more differently-shaped Toads out there? Is this a multiverse? We have so many questions!

A Cute Caterpillar

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Key Art
Image: Nintendo

Don't get distracted by the mystery fun-guy [Oof. I'm going to allow it. - Ed.], however, as the Flag Pole sequence also hides yet another new face. We're talking about the green caterpillar who you can also spot riding on Luigi's back on the game's cover art (above).

This adorable little guy seems to appear at the end of a course, but we have no idea what he's doing there just yet — though to secure a spot on the cover, we're assuming that he is important.

Goomba Power-Up?

And speaking of the cover art, did you also notice the Goomba with a Toad in the top right? Is this a Toad that has transformed into a Goomba via a new power-up, or a Goomba that has disguised itself as a Toad (rather unsuccessfully)? Only time will tell.

Elephant Transformation Animation

Super Mario Bros. Wonder Details Elephant Transformation
Image: Nintendo

It's unlikely that you will have missed Mario's transformation into his new elephant power-up at the end of the reveal, but did you notice that rather than appearing in a flash, he actually morphs with each frame of the animation? The above image is just a taste of what this part-Mario-part-elephant looks like and we'd be lying if we said that we weren't a little afraid of that nose.

Those are all of the little details that we spotted, but are there any that we have missed? Let us know some of your favourite new features in the comments below.