Cornerian Army - Star Fox 64

Best Dogs In Nintendo Games - Star Fox
Image: Nintendo

While a fox is technically part of the dog family, Canidae, adding McCloud to a list like this just wouldn't feel right. Fortunately, the franchise also has several 'real' dogs in the shape of the Cornerian Army.

First appearing in Star Fox 64 and led by militaristic good boy General Pepper, these pilot pups are part of a unique group of Nintendo doggos (Nintendoggos) that seem to be 'all bark and bite'. While we can't imagine the likes of Bill Grey sitting on our laps, we bet he plays a wicked game of fetch.

Rush - Mega Man

Best Dogs In Nintendo Games - Mega Man
Image: Capcom

Do robots with the ability to turn into hoverboards, submarines and a host of other handy tools really count as dogs? When they are as cute as Mega Man III's Rush, you bet they do

It took three games to get him into the series, but this pup is such a good boy that becoming a mainstay was always going to happen. Who's a good hoverboard?

Annoying Dog - Undertale

Best Dogs In Nintendo Games - Undertale
Image: Toby Fox

There are a handful of dogs from Undertale that could have made it onto this list — Greater Dog only just misses out based on the size of his fists (which, side note, no dog should ever have) — but why not stick with the face of the game? It's true, you don't get a name like 'Annoying Dog' for nothing, but that cheeky grin and little waggy tail make us forget it all in a heartbeat.

Dog - Secret of Evermore

Best Dogs In Nintendo Games - Secret of Evermore
Image: Nintendo

Terrier, Greyhound, pink Poodle, wolf, weird robot toaster. It's difficult to pin down exactly what type of dog the prized pooch from Secret of Evermore is, but we know that he's a good boy regardless.

Ok, yes, it might technically be the dog's fault why our heroic pair end up in Evermore in the first place, but that's not enough to get him on the 'Bad Boy' list.

Sherl - Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy

Best Dogs In Nintendo Games - Katrielle and the Millionaire's Conspiracy
Image: Nintendo

For all of its flaws, the Professor Layton spin-off, Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy, does a pretty top-notch job in terms of its dog screen time.

Named Sherl O. C. Kholmes by Katrielle herself (see what they did there?), it is remarkable that the talking basset hound manages to not be the most annoying member of The Layton Detective Agency. He's just a big soppy guy, after all.

Sommie - Fire Emblem Engage

Best Dogs In Nintendo Games - Fire Emblem Engage
Image: Nintendo

The character reveals came thick and fast for Fire Emblem Engage, but Sommie immediately caught our eye. In amongst all of the beautiful anime boys and girls sat an adorably round little dog who just so happens to give you the chance to dress him up like a little gentleman.

Sommie can be found sitting around the Somniel in-between battles — probably for the best, really. No weapons triangle can be flipped to benefit a tiny dog.

Lucky, Daisy, Baxter, etc. - Nintendogs

Best Dogs In Nintendo Games - Nintendogs
Image: Nintendo

In truth, we are sure that whichever dog you chose to take on in Nintendogs was a good boy. If you managed to go through the pain of finding a completely silent room to teach your prospective pup its name, then it must have been worth the effort. The repeated example names of "Lucky, Daisy, Baxter" during this ordeal are still stuck in our heads to this day...

Fedora Dog - Super Mario Odyssey

Best Dogs In Nintendo Games - Mario Odyssey
Image: Nintendo

Between the real-life people, talking cutlery, and sentient lava balls, Mario Odyssey's true NPC star might not immediately spring to mind. But he should, because he's adorable.

We are of course talking about Fedora Dog, the dapper-dressed Shiba Inu that will help you dig up lost moons in several kingdoms. Yes, you have to play a little fetch with him to make him cooperate, but this is an important businessman here (did you not see the hat??). His services don't come cheap.

True, this dog model is exactly the same one as used in Nintendogs + Cats, but, as we said, did you not see the hat??

Which Nintendo dog is your favourite? Are there any that we missed? Bark your preferred pooch in the comments below.