
Topic: How's Gacha Racing?

Posts 41 to 46 of 46


@3DS_excel: I hope you guys get it soon. It's hard when a game comes out somewhere else and you want it. The Dragon Quest games have been driving me crazy for years. Now this isn't no Dragon Quest but it's a super play experience which I would love to see more of. I doubt we see a sequel but I would love to see them take this farther and go with specific racing like F1 or Rally Racing. Have you tried emailing Natsume? Give them an email maybe they can answer your question

Edited on by Windy

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


As I expected. I'm going to cut down game length too 15 hours however, I don't have near the car collection I had first time around. I have actually also got 4 cars this time I never saw the first time. Also have seen some accessories I didn't see the first time. So in a way its been a different experience. I'm not even using the same car I used the first time. I'm using the car from an anime me and my son used to watch called Initial D. I maxed out the Car, Motor and wheels. I have the thing Flying.

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


Does anyone know which races give a special bonus Gotcha machine which gives you a car for taking first place? I know the Hummer race, the big truck race and the Last race. But I swear there was one that gave a nascar looking car with decals on it.

@World not really answering this post. Just wanted to say hello to World to see if your still around and say, "What you been playing lately?" Things got weird for me. Of course im still killing it on 3ds. I have a huge back log for 3ds. Lots of rpgs. I did get a switch but then started having money issues when my doctor bills started pooring in (Cancer) and had to sell it. The games are so expensive. We are still recovering. 2 weeks ago my daughter sends me their old Wii u as they bought a switch for their kids. My nephew sent me a stack of his wii u games including Breath of the Wild and ive been playing that and Tokyo Mirage. Im all about Wii u right now. Cheap games! Its a dead system but a good time to be an owner

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


Windy wrote:

@World not really answering this post. Just wanted to say hello to World to see if your still around and say, "What you been playing lately?" Things got weird for me. Of course im still killing it on 3ds. I have a huge back log for 3ds. Lots of rpgs. I did get a switch but then started having money issues when my doctor bills started pooring in (Cancer) and had to sell it. The games are so expensive. We are still recovering. 2 weeks ago my daughter sends me their old Wii u as they bought a switch for their kids. My nephew sent me a stack of his wii u games including Breath of the Wild and ive been playing that and Tokyo Mirage. Im all about Wii u right now. Cheap games! Its a dead system but a good time to be an owner

I'm still around, but haven't been that active as I don't have a Switch so I haven't really been coming around for news as much (although I still check in about once a week, just to see what's out there). Lately I've been digging into some backlogged games on older consoles that I never got a chance to play. My brother-in-law passed along a copy of FFXII (the PS2 version), so I took the PS2 out of storage to give that a go. I've also been playing some SNES games, thanks to a new game store nearby that sells them for reasonable prices.

The last 3DS game I played was Airport Hero Osaka, which was great. I felt it was an improvement over the other two, although the "story" was weird. However, I did not get very far into it before my new (at the time; she's a few months older now) kitten broke my 3DS. I will get another one eventually, but I figure I have so many active consoles at this point that I am not in any hurry.

Sorry to hear about your medical troubles. Hope you're doing better now, and are enjoying the games while you recover.

Oh, regarding your question, I beat this game and I wasn't aware you could get a NASCAR style car. I got the Hummer, and the one you get for beating the game. But I actually skipped some races, so that could be why it didn't show up. It could also be some hidden condition. I unlocked a few "Special" gacha machines that gave parts and the like, but only a few that actually gave car bodies. Hard to really say though, as there isn't a whole lot out there on it (at least not in English).

Edited on by World



@World great to hear from you my friend. Thats to bad about your 3ds. I've been waiting to catch the Osaka Airport on sale. I really like those games from Sonic Software. The Train Sims and the Airport Sims are all unique fun games. BTW I love FFXII on ps2, definately a real FF title that's very good. My son was trading in his XBOX ONE at games top and they offered him 50.00 dollars for it. I told him come over and I will give you 70.00. So I landed a practically new Xbox One for cheap. I picked up some cheap games including a couple FF games FF15 and FF13 I dislike both as they just don't feel right. I will pick up 12 on sale one of these days if I keep the XboxOne. I'm having a hard time liking it. But I also started up Monster Hunter Stories on 3ds which btw is a great open world RPG for any system. There are some good games on XBoxOne. I got Kingdom Hearts as a gift and I'm having a hard time liking it as it feels like I'm going down a tunnel to the end of the game. Very Linear. The 3ds is still my favorite system, but I'm enjoying the Bargains on WiiU right now too. I also have a Wii with quite a backlog so I'm set for quite a while.

As far as Cancer goes I beat it. However I ended up with Neuropathy from Chemotherapy which is very painful. So it's doctors and pain meds for the rset of my life which stinks as the pain meds help but not much so I keep them to a minimum.

I also just check in about once a week here now as there is really no info I'm looking for here. I don't know if I will ever own a Switch in the future. I'm quite a bit older now (53) I have a feeling I might have purchased my last system. But you never know lol. Maybe a deal like that XboxOne will pop up. I use the XboxOne mainly to play Indie titles. I really want the Train Sims for XboxOne but it's pretty expensive. The game is 49.99 then there is like 700.00 dollars in DLC. No kidding 700.00 bucks if you get a chance though checkout the Train Sim trailer for XboxOne it is beautiful.

If you ever want to email me you can at [email protected] I'm also on Facebook messenger or hangouts. Maybe we can play multiplayer on 3ds when your back up and running.

Edited on by Windy

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS


@World well what do you know. I visit the Eshop and all the Sonic games are on sale. Osaka is 50% off. I also want a couple of the Train driving sims. Im going to figure out a way to put 30 bucks on my eshop account. I love those games. Especially the train drivers. They are so well done. There was a train driving game on DS that never made it to North America called Densha De go which was also on N64 and on Playstation 1 thru 4. Here is the DS trailer. Do you have a Wii? I just recently set mine up to go back online and play MarioKart and Animal Crossing online ive also played We Love Golf and Endless Ocean online with people. Good stuff to get the Wii back online

Edited on by Windy

Still playing 3DS but will have Switch soon for multiplayer with friends. I miss you guys! Adam, Joni, Gavin and the rest of the Blue Rogues from the Phantasy Star Zero Days.

3DS Friend Code: 0877-0511-8391 | Nintendo Network ID: Windy3DS

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