
Topic: I Remade Pokemon Yellow in 3D With Real-time Battles and Pokeball Mechanics

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Hi there, I apologize if this post is against the rules here, but I wanted to get the word out to the community about a fan remake that I made! I wasn't comfortable releasing the game to the public for download, but I did make a youtube video on the process.

It's a 3D take on the original Pokemon Yellow with updated mechanics. I thought it'd be cool if instead of just following the player around the map, Pikachu would actually sense and battle other wild Pokemon. Once done battling, Pikachu will return back to you. I also implemented real time pokeball mechanics like in Arceus Legends. I put a lot of work into this and it'd be really cool if you checked it out! Thanks for taking the time

Edited on by DreamlandGem


My Nintendo: chownk

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