
Topic: NSO Game Trials

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A place to talk about the current game trials or opinions on NSO game trials in general. Game Trials seem like an under-utilized part of NSO, but Nintendo does trickle them down to us now and then. Please specify which region a trial is in since the NSO trials don't always seem to overlap region by region.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


NA trial (April 17 - April 23 2024) - NBA 2K24

A couple thoughts:

  • Seems like a mediocre game (Nintendo Life rated it 5/10)
  • It is 58GB which just does not work well for game trials.
  • The game is currently on an 85% off sale.
  • I assume the company paid Nintendo to have the game trial because I'm not sure why Nintendo would choose this game otherwise.

I do wonder how Nintendo picks what games to do as trials, especially since they don't do them on any consistent schedule. They seem to have a mix of popular or trending indies, somewhat miscellaneous but reasonable seeming third party games, a rare actual Nintendo game, and games like this week which seem like high profile but subpar games trying to squeeze out a few more sales.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I think there have been a few occasions when the game trial is a big RPG or something like that, which seems a bit pointless to me - I'm not gonna download an entire RPG just to play it for a week before having to pay to continue. It works better when it's a more pick-up-and-play game (preferably with a small file size, as you say) like Suika Game or Vampire Survivors (the latter of which I bought because of a game trial, which is the only time I've actually done that).

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla I pretty much treat the trials like demos for games without demos so I don't really mind RPG trials; I'll play for an hour and either delete the trial or wishlist it to buy later... although if it's a zillion gigabytes I might not bother downloading it. I've bought cult of the lamb, Stardew, and Eastward after NSO trials. Although I didn't buy it, I really appreciated the Splatoon trial as well since I had never played Splatoon before. I always hope there will be a trial for series I'm interested in but never have demos such as Bayonetta or Xenoblade.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@FishyS Yeah that's fair, I suppose for me it's because I tend to only play one 'big' game at a time so I don't want to start another one from a trial and just make a few hours' progress, as even if I decide to buy the game I probably wouldn't play it all the way through straight away. For RPGs I'd rather have a specially made demo that just lets you play a short section of the game with a quick tutorial rather than going through all the opening fluff, but I appreciate that's a lot more work for the devs.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong

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