
Topic: SNES Nintendo Classic Mini

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Hello there!

Have a question and would really appreciate if someone could have an answer. Some tips, to be more precise.

I found a console, almost brand new, and I was wondering if it's worth buying. Leaving aside the nostalgia, is it a must for a video games fan? How do the games hold up? Should I go for it when many of the games are available on other consoles or in the shop?

Really curious to know your opinion.



Even though any of those games can be easily played on your PC or phone through emulation i still for some reason like collecting those little boxes that remind me of my favorite childhood memories! I still have all my original machines and nothing will ever make me get rid of them. It sure is convienient to own the modern ones though that look good on new TVs and can be modded to add basically any game you want. I modded my Nes and Snes Mini and don't regret it one bit!



I'd think that, alongside the Genesis/Megadrive Mini, it's still the best of the plug-and-play mini consoles.

The controllers are high quality, the games selection offers a good cross-section of what the SNES has to offer, the emulation is decent with relatively low latency, and it looks the part.

There are plenty of other ways of playing the same games though (NSO has many SNES games, there are emulators for PCs and phones, dedicated emulation handhelds, and there are remakes of many of the games for modern systems) so just weigh up whether it's going to be the right one for you.



I thought about getting one, but I didn't like that it doesn't play carts and that there is no digital store. This was before the Wii U Eshop closure though, so now it's either an actual SNES, Switch Online, or this. I went with the real SNES myself as well as some games off the Eshop before the closure. The mini is still probably good if you want to not have games tied to NSO and want something cheaper than an SNES (or don't have the setup for one).



I got one shortly after it was released. Hacking it and adding your own games increases the value. 8bitdo also makes wireless SNES controllers so it can be the ultimate physical modern SNES system sitting in your home with every SNES game you want (and other systems) I also have the official hard case for it with SNES box art inserts. It's a nice display piece when not in use.


Nintendo Network ID: ivory_soul | Twitter:


I missed out on the train when it was put on sale, but where I found it it's in perfect condition as it was barely used. That's one of the reasons that made me think about buying it. That and the nostalgia it carries combined with the games there, some of which are really memorable. Nice to hear that it's a high-quality console.



One of the only ways to legally play earthbound. So for me it’s worth it.

I fear no man
but that thing:
The carrot minigame from bowser's inside story
it scares me


Even though it only contains 21 games produced collectively by four companies, those are some of the most popular games on the console from four of the most prolific publishers of that era.


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