Slap City (Switch eShop)

EarthboundBenjy submitted a shoutout for Slap City:

A SSB Melee-style multiplayer brawler made by the same team who did Nicktoons All-Stars.
Extremely silly characters, fast-paced Melee-inspired game mechanics (it has wave dashing), and also includes a fun "adventure mode" style campaign, which is a series of platforming challenges with some very silly over-the-top dialogue scenes. Has online crossplay with Steam version, too.

KUUKIYOMI: Consider It! (Switch eShop)

edhe wants you to consider KUUKIYOMI: Consider It!:

It's similar to WarioWare, in that you play a (fixed) series of microgames, but they're focused on Japanese social etiquette. You take control of a person or, sometimes, inanimate object in a specific situation, and are tasked with manipulating them to create an outcome that is either considerate, or inconsiderate.
Some of the minigames rely on knowledge of Japanese etiquette (something that isn't neccesarily universal), and after completing all 100 minigames, you are ranked on how considerate you are.
There are two other games in the series, offering more games, and I think it's a good budget alternative to WarioWare.

Wildfrost (Switch eShop)

Aaron is taken with Chucklefish's Wildfrost:

Wildfrost is a fantastic roguelite deck-building card game with a more general appeal than Slay the Spire. The artwork, music, and tone has an inviting cozy look that hide a mischievous depth. Steam reviews suggest it attracted a much wider audience that hasn’t come to grips with a game like this, where those experienced with the genre rate it highly and appreciate the difficulty and depth under the surface. My family can’t get enough.

Arietta of Spirits (Switch)

KoiTenchi is also a fan of Arietta of Spirits:

Arietta of Spirits plays very similarly to a 2D Zelda but has a very different style. It features a much more modern-day story with Arietta on vacation with her parents. The whole game is over before you know it with it lasting only about 4 hours but it can be a very nice change of pace between other long games. The timed shielding mechanic changes the feel of the combat considerably from Zelda.

If you’re a fan of 2D Zelda but have already played them all and find yourself wanting more, this is certainly worth a look.

Donut Dodo (Switch eShop)

mattesdude says that Donut Dodo is a very fun time:

For any fan of arcades of the ‘80s, this is an excellent title. It’s simple, addictive, and tricky. It pays homage to many classic arcades, but doesn’t feel like a complete rip on any of them. It’s fun to play a round or two and set it down, or just get sucked into for a few hours. I have more than double the hours in this (cheap) gem than I do after playing through Pokémon. I can’t recommend this enough to any fan of the genre.

ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition (Switch eShop)

Tony says that despite the sour taste left in the mouth by the first version, the updated ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition is now worth your time and money:

You guys reviewed the original Ark game on Switch... and admittedly it was a nightmare. But the Ultimate Survivor Edition is a seriously worthy remake and runs great on Switch. I haven't played anything else since it came out several months ago... it's crazy good. Anyway... hope this helps.

The Spirit and the Mouse (Switch eShop)

Lucie wrote in to recommend The Spirit and the Mouse:

This game is about a little mouse who wants to help humans in a small village, it really caught my attention by how wholesome it was. It's an exploration and narrative game, it just feels so cozy to me esp because I have pet rats and I just love representation of small critter in games!!

Another Tomorrow (Switch eShop)

cmbaum wanted to highlight a specific studio and its output:

Just a shoutout for the Glitch Games offerings that finally found their way over to Switch (Forever Lost, Another Tomorrow, etc.). This British studio puts out high-quality and very funny point-and-click room escape-type games. They definitely should be on people’s radar.

SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions (Switch eShop)

Mattias wrote in to recommend SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions:

It's an 'open-ended' RPG, which peels away unnecessary traveling, instead focusing on the plot points, and it has an interesting combat system. I'm not sure how else to describe it other than 'unique'. It's fun, hope you try it.

Rotund Rebound (Switch eShop)

Jay recommends both Rotund Takeoff and Rotund Rebound:

Rotund Takeoff is truly a hidden gem that I loved. From the cuteness to the challenging levels to the interesting animal characters and enemies, it's just such a fun game. Especially for just something to pick up whenever you want. Every person I know who's played it had fun, and I've always wished more people knew about it.

Rotund Rebound is even more fleshed out , and just as challenging in the best way. It's obvious so much love and care went into the world and level design. Like Takeoff, I haven't met a single person who played it that didn't enjoy it, so I know it's worth even more people discovering it. You literally play as a Bunny, it can't get any better than that.

Monster Train First Class (Switch eShop)

And finally, KevinLo9 thinks Monster Train First Class deserves more attention:

Many people chalk this game up as a Slay the Spire clone, but I think that is unfair and untrue. This game is unique in that every run feels winnable, and you have a lot of ability to craft the type of deck you want on each run. It is the fairest roguelike game I’ve played.

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Which of these Switch games have you enjoyed most?

(You can select up to 5 answers)

Our thanks to everyone who responded. Let us know below if you've sampled any of the games above and if you agree with the recommendations. We're off to scour the Switch eShop and catch up with some of these.

If you've got a recommendation for us, you can send them to us by following the guidelines and instructions below:

Submission guidelines

  • 100-word limit - Keep it brief! A history of the genre and deep-dive into every mechanic is unnecessary. Concentrate on what the game is about, what sets it apart from other games and why you enjoyed it.
  • One entry per game - Feel free to send your thoughts on multiple games, but there's no need to duplicate.
  • Choose only games that we haven't reviewed on the site - To check if a Nintendo Life review exists, simply type the name of the game into the search box at the very top of the page (look for the magnifying glass icon in the top left corner) and click on the game page that appears. If there's no review, you're good to go!

How to send a recommendation

  • Head to Nintendo Life's Contact page and select the subject "Switch eShop Hidden Gems" from the drop down menu (it's already done for you in the link above). Type your name, email and beautifully-crafted message into the appropriate box, hit send and Bob's your uncle!