


  • News Nintendo Rolls Its Sleeves Up With GoldenEye 007 Development

    Activision talks about Nintendo's "extremely helpful" approach

    With the original GoldenEye 007 a beloved moment in the N64 era, it's no wonder Nintendo is making sure the upcoming Wii instalment receives a substantial amount of love during the development stages. Speaking to Gamerzines, associate producer James Lodato speaks about the partnership...

  • News DJ Hero 2 Pumping Out of Your Speakers From 22nd October

    Activision launches its "Name That Mix" challenge with prizes to be won

    One of the best qualities that the original DJ Hero possessed was undoubtedly the soundtrack; with its eclectic make-up of various genres moulded together to give something familiar yet all together fresh. When its upcoming sequel lands in UK shops on 22nd October, you can be...

  • News GoldenEye Multiplayer Doubles-Up but Loses its Voice

    Eight players, no voices

    James Bond always manages to take down megalomaniacal scientists, gamblers and supernationalists with just a few gadgets and some sharp one-liners, but the upcoming GoldenEye will test his wits in multiplayer as it will support up to eight players online. Bond will have to stay silent on his upcoming multiplayer mission...

  • News GoldenEye Gets Golden Pad Bundle

    $69.99 for game and Classic Controller Pro

    We engaged in some GoldenEye Wii multiplayer a few weeks ago, taking down Oddjobs and Trevelyans with the Classic Controller Pro and its dual-analogue set-up. It seems Activision is keen to get people into this control method as a bundle has surfaced offering the game and a limited edition golden Classic...


  • First Impressions GoldenEye 007 Multiplayer

    We've been expecting you

    Surely few words cause such excitement and rampant nostalgia in the Nintendo community as “GoldenEye multiplayer”, so it was with great anticipation we sat down to play Activision’s new Bond outing in a split-screen four-player deathmatch. With only one game mode, one map and four characters available – not including...

  • News Get Briefed on the New Features Implemented in Call of Duty: Black Ops

    A portable companion to the regiments on the home front

    With first-person shooters often making more of an impact on home consoles, n-Space is working hard to offer DS gamers something that can be enjoyed as well when Call of Duty: Black Ops launches later this year on 9th November. The company previously brought three other titles in the series to...

  • News Prepare Yourself for GoldenEye's "Epic" Tank Level

    Bond brings big bangs

    We all remember the tank level from the original GoldenEye: the feeling of destructive power at your fingertips was brilliantly realised, and with the recently-announced GoldenEye for Wii on the way Activision is looking to revive this classic level in a big fashion. In a recent interview with the UK's Official Nintendo...



  • News Call of Duty: Black Ops Confirmed for Wii

    Latest update in massive series is heading Wii-ward

    Whew, we were worried there for a minute. Activision's upcoming entry in the Call of Duty series, the currently-mysterious Black Ops, wasn't initially confirmed for a Wii release, leading to some consternation and brow-furrowing amongst the machine's owners. Now you can relax those brows: it is on...

  • News Call of Duty: Black Ops for Wii in Doubt

    GameStop pre-order listing omits Nintendo's console

    Those who have enjoyed the Call of Duty franchise's previous outings on Nintendo platforms will surely be disappointed to learn of retail outlet GameStop's omission of the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops' Wii incarnation on its pre-order listing. Activision has yet to officially announce which...


  • News DJ Shadow Sheds a Little Light on DJ Hero 2

    A preemptive strike

    For a sequel that hasn't been officially announced yet, DJ Shadow sure has no issues talking about DJ Hero 2, effectively beating Activision to the punch. In a recent interview with Zane Lowe, DJ Shadow talks about the appearance of his in-game avatar, and the work going into producing content for the game. Having produced tracks...

  • News Transformers: War for Cybertron Deemed Too Aggressive for Wii

    Forthcoming robot title gets a more kiddie-friendly name change for Nintendo's platform

    It almost goes without saying that the Wii is a family-friendly console, offering a wide selection of experiences which are suitable for all ages. However, this latest piece of news makes us wonder if this perception of the platform has possibly gone a little too...


  • News Infinity Ward Unhappy With Wii's Power

    In other news: the world is round and water is wet

    Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 6 months then you'll be aware that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is almost upon us, with everyone and their auntie getting unreasonably excited about the prospect of blowing up generic bad guys and making tiresome "RAT-A-TAT-TAT" noises...



  • News Modern Warfare 2 Could Come To Wii

    If the first one sells like hotcakes, that is

    People have been questioning why Activision is bringing a port of the first Modern Warfare game, despite the second being released very shortly on pretty much every other platform under the sun (including the DS!). Activision, speaking at GamesCom, stated that if Modern Warfare sells well on Wii, we...

  • News Nintendo Download 25-26 August 2009 (Japan)

    The WiiWare party is back on with a load of new downloads for both Wii and DSi!

    After taking a couple of week's holiday the Japanese WiiWare service is back in action with five new WiiWare releases (two of them aimed at small children), two Virtual Console titles and five new DSiWare downloads. Yes it does seem terribly unfair, but that's life. If...