
  • News Shin Megami Tensei IV Soundtrack Released Next Month

    Four discs crammed full of incredible music

    Atlus has just announced that Shin Megami Tensei IV, which scored a fantastic 9/10 in our review, will finally see its wonderful soundtrack released in Japan on 26th February. Even better is that this isn't some half-hearted "best of" or "selection" CD, but all 112 tracks spread across four CDs and...


  • Video Persona Q Website Shows New Footage

    Some downloadable goodies for your PC too!

    The Persona Q website has been updated with a new trailer showing off a lot of new event scenes in both movie and real-time forms, as well as some brief and irritatingly small screens of actual gameplay. Sharp-eyed readers may also spot a quick cameo from Catherine's Vincent Brooks! The trailer closes with...

  • News Initial Run of Conception II Coming With a Bonus Disc

    Pre-orders to be bundled with joy

    Atlus has announced an incentive for its upcoming 3DS title Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars. Apparently rampant innuendo just isn't enough for some people. According to a company press release, the first run of Conception II will come in a special box and include a 10-track CD of game music composed by...






  • News Code of Princess Receives Temporary Price Cut in North America

    It's now in the eShop for just $19.99

    Code of Princess was released in the North American 3DS eShop earlier this year and was given a starting price of $39.99. However, in May it was reduced by 25% to $29.99. It's now received a further reduction, but this time its only temporary. You can now download Code of Princess for $19.99 until 28th July,...

  • Rumour Nintendo Is Shaping Up To Acquire Troubled Atlus

    Could the esteemed Shin Megami Tensei developer become an in-house studio?

    Atlus may be riding high on the success of Shin Megami Tensei IV, but its parent company Index is in serious financial trouble and is likely to begin auctioning off its assets — Atlus included — as early as this week. Interestingly, there are rumours circulating that...

  • News Atlus Parent Company Reportedly Preparing To Sell Operations

    Process could begin next week

    As we reported recently, Atlus' parent company Index is in financial difficulty, having "civil rehabilitation proceedings" in Japan to resolve problems with substantial debts. To date the operations of Atlus have been unaffected by these issues, yet the process with Index is now reportedly moving onto significant next...

  • News Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl Release Date Confirmed for North America

    Going back to the start

    The Etrian Odyssey series certainly has its share of loyal fans, with the latest entry in the first-person RPG series arriving on the 3DS earlier this year — Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan. While that's the latest numbered entry, Atlus will shortly be bringing Etrian Odyssey: Millennium Maiden to 3DS in Japan,...

    • 3DS
  • News Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem Set For Modern Times "In The Real World"

    "Imagine a Pegasus that lands on Building 109 of Shibuya, Tokyo", blimey

    Earlier today we published comments from Nintendo's Hitoshi Yamagami, outlining that a standalone Fire Emblem title on Wii U would need to sell around 700,000 copies to cover development costs. That wouldn't be an issue for something like Fire Emblem: Awakening on 3DS, but that...