
  • News Killer Instinct's Music Gets the Cover it Deserves

    Supreme Victory

    We often share some of the best fan content that we find, whether they're short films portraying scenes from games, memorable pieces of art or top-notch music covers. The band On Being Human brings us the latter, and last year we shared a terrific Super Metroid rock cover that seemed like the perfect alternative soundtrack to the...


  • News This GoldenEye 007 Wristwatch Is For Your Eyes Only

    Fit for Commander Bond himself

    N64 classic GoldenEye 007 is responsible for stealing away countless hours of our time here at the Nintendo Life office — we still crack out the dusty old console from time to time to indulge in a spot of remote mine-related tomfoolery. Bearing that in mind, you can imagine how pleased we were to see that some...



  • News Happy 15th Birthday, Banjo-Kazooie!


    It’s hard to believe now, but before 31st May, 1998, no one believed that a bear in yellow shorts and a bird in a backpack could ever make an effective team. A spunky little Twycross-based company called Rare, however, set out to prove the world wrong, and did so with quite admirable results. Today marks the 15th anniversary of the North...

  • News Donkey Kong 64 Required Expansion Pak to Prevent Game-Breaking Bug

    Game would crash when using the N64's standard setup

    When Donkey Kong 64 released all the way back in 1999, it was the first Nintendo 64 game to require the system’s 8MB Expansion Pak add-on in order to work. Advertising at the time suggested that the game was just so big that it couldn't possibly work without it. However, Chris Marlow, one of the...

  • News Microsoft To Announce Sequel To "Historic" Rare Franchise At E3

    Time to get jealous?

    In case you hadn't noticed, Microsoft lifted the lid on the Xbox One this week. The new system is the successor to the popular 360 console and will be getting plenty of support from the company's stable of internal developers — one of which is former Nintendo partner, Rare. The UK-based studio was purchased by Microsoft over...


  • News Grant Kirkhope Wishes He Could Make Banjo-Kazooie 3 For Nintendo

    Explains why Rare chose to make Nuts & Bolts

    Banjo-Kazooie is revered by many as one of the best games to ever grace the N64. The platformer, which starred a docile bear and a wise-cracking bird, could have ended up being something completely different as it was originally set to be a highly ambitious venture known as Project Dream. Speaking as a...

  • News GoldenEye 007 Multiplayer Took Just Six Weeks To Make

    Rare staffers put it together right at the end

    In 1997, Rare released GoldenEye 007 on the N64 and it became an absolute classic that arguably redefined the first person shooter genre and revolutionised the way multiplayer was done on home consoles. It all nearly never happened though as according to Grant Kirkhope, the composer behind the game's...

  • News Print Your Own Goldeneye Remote Mine

    Golden gun not included

    Anyone who played Goldeneye 007 back on the N64 will no doubt remember the countless weapons and traps included in its multiplayer mode. ComradeQuiche of Thingiverse has combined his fond memories and technical know-how to create a replica of the remote mine using a 3D printer and has posted the model for all to use. The...


  • News This Is What Real Life GoldenEye 007 Multiplayer Looks Like

    Proximity mines always win

    It's actually quite scary to think how many collective man hours the team at Nintendo Life has spent playing multiplayer on GoldenEye 007. During our formative years, this highly esteemed cartridge rarely left the console and any person that didn't own a copy and four controllers was shunned as something of an outcast...





  • News The Truth Behind Donkey Kong Country's Opening Level Theme

    It's a stitch-up

    Remember the music for the opening level on Donkey Kong Country? Do you recall how it moves from one musical style to another, almost as if it's three different songs that have been fused together? That because it is. In an interview with CVG, former Rare composer David Wise reveals the truth behind the track: I was on holiday in...



  • Rumour Rare Looking Into 3DS Development

    Banjo-Kazooie 3D a possibility

    The rumour mill has been churning up some pretty exciting stuff lately, and here's a bit that seems plausible considering that Microsoft saw no problem with Rare working on DS games like Viva Piñata and Diddy Kong Racing. Supposedly, the company is in talks with Nintendo to develop games for the 3DS platform,...


  • Talking Point Why Nintendo and Rare Should Reunite

    Is now the right time for Rare to come back home?

    Last week wasn't the best of times for the UK games industry. We reported that indie dev The Code Monkeys shut its doors after 23 years and on Friday Bizarre Creations – who produced the brilliant Project Gotham Racing for Microsoft, as well as the criminally underrated Blur – finally closed...


  • News Original GoldenEye Designer Suspicious of Wii Publisher's Eye for Gold

    Though developer Eurocom is in his good books

    Whether Activision is all about the money isn't really for us to say, but one thing most will agree on is that it has several franchises in its pockets into which at any given time the company can reach, pulling out a sequel or spin-off. So with the upcoming revival of the GoldenEye name, the publisher's...

  • News Rare Reveals Nintendo Wanted to Cancel GoldenEye

    The Bond title nobody wanted but everybody loves

    Ahh, GoldenEye 007: so many wasted hours, so many headshots, so many arguments over Oddjob. It all could have been so different had Rare acted on a letter sent by Nintendo that pulled the plug on the shooter. Speaking to British magazine EDGE, Studio Director Mark Betteridge revealed the team's...


  • News MundoRare Shuts Down After Losing Faith in Rare's New Direction

    Operators of long-running fan community saw no other choice

    When you have a fan community website that has been up and running for almost a decade, you'd think that it would stick by the developer through thick and thin, right? Apparently not, if that developer is Rare. It appears that MundoRare has run out of reasons to support the creator of such...


  • News Turns Out Shigeru Miyamoto Does Like Donkey Kong Country

    Miyamoto clears things up once and for all

    Following on from the E3 announcement of Donkey Kong Country Returns, it seems that something Shigeru Miyamoto had said in the past about the SNES original has re-surfaced. In a recent interview with IGN, Miyamoto cleared up the situation surrounding claims that he didn't like Donkey Kong Country, despite...