
Topic: Is Fire Emblem: Three Houses worth it?

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I can't get myself to pay $60 for FE:3H. I keep hearing mixed reviews, so I just want to hear what you all have to say. If you don't mind giving me your honest opinion upon all aspects of the game, I would appreciate it. Please, no spoilers!

Edited on by DAHstroy



On Metacritic, this game has 88 positiv reviews and only 4 mixed. Where do u hear mixed reviews?
But yes, its definetly worth it



@DAHstroy definetley worth it. if length matters to you, Im on my first run with 40+ hours and I think I might be like 10 hours away from the end. Of course there are the other two houses and one of the houses has two endings meaning there are 4 endings to this game. I have been doing every class manually and I am not a master tactician in anyway shape or form so depending on how good or bad you are at the game and whether or not you want to do some (or all) classes automatically will determine how long the game is for you. IDK if the fact that this game has dlc matters to you because I know DLC can turn some people off a game. The game is really fun I cant explain why. If you have never played a FE game before (like me) this is a rand new starting point. I was also in the same spot as you wondering whether I should get this game full price but I am extremely glad I did. hope this helps



Personally I find it's worth it because it's somehow fun and finally the first TRPG style game I can get into (after throwing my head to some of the classics like Yggdra Union, FFTA2, Luminous Arc 1&2, etc).

Story's great too personally love the characters



@mariomaster96 Everyone on NL is always talking about frame rate issues, and they don't like the gameplay. Maybe I should stop reading too far into the comment section.

@Jojabean44 I appreciate your feedback, actually the DLC factor turns me on... I love more story! This would be my first FE game as well, finally thinking about making the plunge.



@DAHstroy I’m almost at 60 hours, and the only place framerate drops for me is when I round the corner at full speed near the Online Liason. So an optional game item that can turned off.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@DAHstroy I mean... sure, it drops frames once in a while. And it's not the prettiest game ever made. But it's a tactics RPG with turn-based combat, so none of that really matters to the gameplay.

Just get a physical copy. If you don't like it, for whatever reason, sell it off. Nintendo games maintain their value.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


There's enough content in to make it worth the price tag. I have a few niggles about it being too easy even on hard mode (which should be fixed with the future update to include lunatic mode), the social sim stuff could be better (the tea parties in particular are cringeworthy), there could be more variety in maps and the main character is a Link style blank avatar despite having to have personal connections with the other characters. Overall it's very good, not quite as good as Awakening imo but still very good.

Of course obvious things like if you didn't enjoy previous Fire Emblem or other TRPG games then don't bother with it.

Jojabean44 wrote:

Of course there are the other two houses and one of the houses has two endings meaning there are 4 endings to this game.

It's actually 4 paths rather than 4 endings, one houses splits into 2 paths about a 3rd of the way through.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Alright guys, thanks for your insight! I ended up buying the game last Friday, I've been enjoying it so far!


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