
Topic: Nintendo labo kit 4: VR

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I think that the lack of a strap kinda makes this potentially great thing a little to underwhelming. I mean Mario kart vr would be a massive pain and i feel like this is the once chance they are giving to vr. Also back to Mario kart one hand using a joy con the other pressing the headset to your face this would be painful all in all I hope they improve this by adding a strap. What is everyone else's thoughts on this?
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Edited on by LawnChairMan

Now it's Reyn time

My Nintendo: Rice


Well, we don’t actually know full details since it was just announced. However, I’m pretty sure this time there won’t be any MK8 support, as it would be near impossible to hold the headset and play at the same time.

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Switch Friend Code: SW-6148-2681-7704


That's my point without a strap on the headset other possible experiences could be limited.

Now it's Reyn time

My Nintendo: Rice


I think it actually have straps , is just that we cannot see it in the image. My base to say this is: Nintendo guys are smart, professional and wants our money, is no way they not add a simple design feature like that.



fair enough i will hope. I will give a try with the blaster it could be fun i just hope they improve in the future there by adding there IP's. This has potential

Edited on by LawnChairMan

Now it's Reyn time

My Nintendo: Rice


Can someone make a Nintendo VR is amazing thread? I mean we know almost nothing about it and have seen zero footage so we might as well have both.

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friend code: 0103-9004-2456


may be this could be multiple purpose cause this could end up being great actually i mean i thought the announcement was disappointing but will have to see the full product.

One more thing: I would like to see a trailer of what will be shown since i want to see what will be played with this also a think there is not a strap but a trailer could show if there is strap or not.

Edited on by LawnChairMan

Now it's Reyn time

My Nintendo: Rice


I know few agree with me on this statement, but I consider what we call Virtual Reality - VR, in general to be underwhelming, even with the best headsets on the market. Despite being on the market for several years now there has yet to be one VR specific must have title. Software is what sells hardware, not the other way around.

And while wearing the screen on your face and having various motion controlled aspects is, in some ways, more immersive than sitting in front of a screen with a controller - that isn't what VR is. Basically until and/or unless we reach the point that something like .Hack or SAO style full simulation is technically possible - which seems a long way off at best - I just don't see the appeal of wearing screen on my face.

Edited on by Heavyarms55

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


@Heavyarms55 Im one of the few agree with you. But im hyped by the idea of nintendo supporting Labo more than the VR itself.



Man, I'm not sure about Nintendo's naming for this if they themselves are calling it "vr kinda underwhelming".

...what? That's obviously the name of it, why else would that be the title of this thread! :V

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So the one product that needs a trailer more than anything, doesn't get a trailer...

@kkslider5552000 ''Nintendo Labo Kit 4: VR Kinda Underwhelming coming to you in April!''



Mario Kart could work.Hold the headset with your left hand,tilt your head to steer,nod it to hold an item and shake it to release the item.Acceleration and drifting can be done with the right Joy-con.

I'm half serious.

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I hate vr I just hate it. Vr suck.
Nintendo makes vr labo. Oh I love Nintendo’s out of box ideas. I love vr 😉

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Totally agree with you, what's available to us now isn't what I'd call VR, and until all senses can be engaged, it won't even be close.

Boneworks looks pretty impressive for a tech demo (I know they say it's going to be a proper game on release, but we'll see).

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
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@shaneoh There's a lot of things that look interesting. That doesn't mean I expect much from them in the long run. Lots of things are cool until the novelty wears off.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


Totally, that's why I'm not calling it anything other than a tech demo. Credit where it's due, it's another small stepping stone to actual VR. But it's not going to get there by taking only small steps.

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
The collective noun for a group of lunatics is a forum. A forum of lunatics.
I'm belligerent, you were warned.


@Venus_Adept it doesn’t have straps. Nintendo’s website says this.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


@subpopz Haha, right?! The Nintendo Scoliosis Boy, indeed.

I'm not sure why everyone is assuming there's a strap, when the friggin' article with a press release clearly says there isn't;

Nintendo Labo: VR Kit encourages passing around the Toy-Con creations among a group of people so everyone in the room can easily join in on the fun. To help encourage this social gameplay, players simply slip the Nintendo Switch console into the Toy-Con VR Goggles and hold it up to their eyes to explore numerous games and experiences – no head strap needed.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


I didn't even realize that it didn't have a strap until you pointed it out. You can in fact play it with the Joy-Con attached to the Switch as it shows in one of the videos. Maybe it looks awkward, but I doubt they would release it that way if it was too awkward, and I bet a lot of games could be made in the future to work that way. But of course, they could always just release an updated version with a strap (or a strap compatible with this one)



@ALinkttPresent Well, it is Labo. Someone could build a strapping setup if they wanted too. Just some spare plastic grommet snaps to reinforce the holes, and some elastic bands. In fact... depending on what this does, I may be inclined to do just that.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr

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