
Topic: Pitch me your favorite game! (Without spoilers!)

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Not sure if this has been done, but I thought it would be a fun idea. The idea is simple, I want you to give your elevator sales-pitch for your favorite game (Or at least one of your favorites) and convince the reader why they should play it. We all come to this site for the reviews, so I thought this could be a fun spin on the idea. Take a title that you love, and give your piece on why more people need to play it. The only rules I have are to keep it brief, and to avoid spoilers if at all possible. (Remember, you're trying to convince the person to play the game themselves, not spoil it for them. Think of it like talking about it with your friends at school.) Also, there's a lot of games I'm sure we'd love, but end up overlooking or disregard at first glance. With that in mind, try to recommend a game that you feel needs more attention. Maybe someone lurking through the threads will read this and find a game they wouldn't have played otherwise!

Edited on by Novamii

"Happy is the man who can sleep in the comfort of the smile he sees then. No, I don't wish for forever. Even just for one moment, it's enough if it's with her."

My Current Games: Staring at my backlog, and accomplishing nothing! :)


Do you like action/rpgs? Do you like third person shooters? Do you like ninjas? Do you like space-magic?

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


The Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door game has a great story, battle engine, overall gameplay, characters, worlds, music, and more. What’s not to love on this whacky Mario adventure?

(Sorry my previous one was so long, fixed it lol)

Edited on by PikminMarioKirby

Some of my favorite games are Paper Mario and TTYD, SM64, Luigi’s Mansion, Pikmin 1-4, Kirby Forgotten Land, and the DKC OG trilogy (especially the first 2). All on Switch besides LM. Nintendo please bring it back!


I'll do both my favorite and a more obscure game.

Metroid Prime is peak in terms of combining gameplay and atmosphere, aged better than most 3D games of its era, Nintendo gift wrapped an excuse for you to play it last year with a beautiful looking remaster (that isn't even at full price). It is miles better and less awkward than a new studio turning Metroid into a first person game has any right to be. One of the truly rare 3D Metroidvanias, that along with its sequels (and to an extent the mainline Metroid series) somehow simultaneously feels like a Nintendo game in all the best ways while also feeling fundamentally different, which in particular for Prime, makes for a truly unique experience that borderline zero other video games have truly captured imo (again, outside of its sequels).

Or I could just say its literally one of the most acclaimed video games of all time and end it there.

For a more obscure one, I always tend to go towards Little King's Story, which I've always called the best Pikmin game. It took the core gameplay of Pikmin, went in a very different, strange direction and ended up as something uniquely engaging. It is for people who love odd games for the sake of odd that lead to bizarre, creative genius. And it has no joke, some of the most memorable boss fights in gaming, ever. No hyperbole. It takes its time but when the game ramps up it is a thoroughly engaging adventure unlike any other I've played.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Magician wrote:

Do you like action/rpgs? Do you like third person shooters? Do you like ninjas? Do you like space-magic?

I think you're allowed to say the name of the game in your pitch 😆 tbh, I have no idea what game you are talking about.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Do you like little guys? Do you like scary bosses? You might like Pikmin.



Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory, a totally unique experience that combines rhythm action gameplay with the series’ signature combat. You’ve never seen anything like it. Tight controls, charming graphics, lovable Disney worlds and characters, all to the music of Yoko Shimomura (of Super Mario RPG, the Mario & Luigi series, and Final Fantasy XV fame, who also won the GDC’s Lifetime Achievement Award earlier this year), with even a few pieces by Takeharu Ishimoto (The World Ends With You, Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII) and others, including a few Disney songs thrown in for good measure, including Frozen’s hit “Let It Go.”

Not familiar with the story? Not a problem. The game acts as not only a celebration of the series 20 years thus far, but also as a recap for the uninitiated. Cutscenes summarize all the main beats of the story, allowing even those who complain about the series’ depth to follow along. Conversely, the story’s short length makes it easy to be ignored entirely, as mandatory cutscenes can be skipped, ideal for those who want to avoid spoilers, or Just Aren’t Interested.

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory is available now, and unlike other entries ported to Switch, Melody of Memory isn’t a cloud port, and even had a physical release. Still not convinced? Check out the demo in the eshop! So what are you waiting for? Be there, and be Square.

Sorry if my ad is a little long, but it was fun! XD Seriously though, go check out the demo.



Do you like Arson? Or a super hot villain? How about torturing innocent tree creatures? If so, the Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom would be perfect for you!

“I paused my game to be here” -SmashBall35

If you are responding to me in forums or a comment I would much appreciate it if you quoted or tagged me in your responses so I can see it and respond. Otherwise I usually can’t tell that you’ve replied. Thanks!

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