
Topic: Satisfye Pro Gaming Grip - european import issues?

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Hi all!

Sorry if I'm posting this in the incorrect subforum, and I did use the search function but couldn't get any results there.

So I saw a video of Alex reviewing this grip on YouTube. It looks great and it's getting great reviews elsewhere and I would very much like to buy it, but I'm a bit wary of any import issues.

To those in europe: did you encounter any issues with getting this through customs? Did they refuse to give it to you, or were you required to pay any import/custom fees and how much if so?

The grip and delivery (to Germany) comes to $45, ($20 for delivery, cheapest option) which is quite a lot as it is without adding any additional fees.

All the best



Are we talking about the Nintendo Pro controller or another brand? I think Nintendo of EU or that Region should have Pro controllers for you to buy there. But if you import one from the NA the warranty is voided because it is outside of the Region it is sold in.



SwitchForce wrote:

Are we talking about the Nintendo Pro controller or another brand? I think Nintendo of EU or that Region should have Pro controllers for you to buy there. But if you import one from the NA the warranty is voided because it is outside of the Region it is sold in.

No, the Satisfye Pro Grip.




Well I'm taking the plunge and ordering one.



Ordered one from the Hong Kong site last Tuesday - arrived today.

It is AMAZING - best accessory I have ever bought.

So simple yet it totally transforms the switch in handheld mode.



Punisher67 wrote:

Ordered one from the Hong Kong site last Tuesday - arrived today.

It is AMAZING - best accessory I have ever bought.

So simple yet it totally transforms the switch in handheld mode.

Nice! Mine is due to arrive this Thursday and I can't wait to try it out! It looks like the only grip that will do the job, frankly.

Did you have any problems with having to pay vat?



TD27 wrote:

Punisher67 wrote:

Ordered one from the Hong Kong site last Tuesday - arrived today.

It is AMAZING - best accessory I have ever bought.

So simple yet it totally transforms the switch in handheld mode.

Nice! Mine is due to arrive this Thursday and I can't wait to try it out! It looks like the only grip that will do the job, frankly.

Did you have any problems with having to pay vat?

No issues - sailed through the shipment process - you will be fine.

It is absolutely brilliant - all the reviews were very good but I was still a bit sceptical.



Punisher67 wrote:

TD27 wrote:

Punisher67 wrote:

Ordered one from the Hong Kong site last Tuesday - arrived today.

It is AMAZING - best accessory I have ever bought.

So simple yet it totally transforms the switch in handheld mode.

Nice! Mine is due to arrive this Thursday and I can't wait to try it out! It looks like the only grip that will do the job, frankly.

Did you have any problems with having to pay vat?

No issues - sailed through the shipment process - you will be fine.

It is absolutely brilliant - all the reviews were very good but I was still a bit sceptical.


Yeah think it's understandable to be a bit sceptical. You never know if these reviewers on YouTube and elsewhere have any vested intetests, etc.

Did you order the grip and case combo? I only got the grip and I'm slightly regretting it, but will probably find something to put the grip into from elsewhere.



I only bought the grip. Will work something out with regard to storing it. I don’t think I will ever play handheld again without the grip - I actually have taken my charging cable out the dock so that I can charge in the grip going forward



It all depends on what custom arrangements you have in Germany. I originally pre-ordered the gaming grip through the indiegogo Kickstarter page and that got delivered to the Uk from Hong Kong via courier and had no issues.

I then ordered a second one (after my son liked the one I had brought) and that came via Royal Mail which incurred a handling fee and import duties which bumped up the price by £17!

Five weeks later I imported the Flip Grip gaming grip from Fangamer. Their site had advice and warnings about importing, with the UK getting mentioned about additional fees if importing goods via regular mail. I decided to go with the premium UPS delivery service. Even though it wasn’t cheap it got my parcel through customs and to my house without any additional fees.



I have just received what looks like a bill from fedex weeks after getting this delivered !

15.70 gbp. Bit steep as well.

Grip still amazing though - basically keep it on constantly



If anybody would find it of help: I had zero issues with delivery to Germany with FedEx. In fact I was a bit surprised at how efficient it was.

Also, unlike @punisher I did have not received a bill from FedEx.



@punisher Bit weird to bill you after the fact. What incentive do you have to pay it? I thought they charged you at the door normally but I might be wrong as I've never done it!

See ya!


@gimmi_c I waited a while before paying it but they sent a couple of follow ups the final one being they were passing onto a debt / credit agency (or something like that). At that point i paid

I paid the shipping initially when I bought the grip - was quite expensive about $20 from china.



@Punisher67 fair enough, that sucks, I wouldn't want those lame-os from the sheriff programme around my house either

See ya!

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