
Topic: The SNES Thread

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Based on what's currently available, nothing beats a QD-'OLED', like the current 55" Samsung S90D or last years S90C, after the black crush/shadow detail issues have been corrected. Pair that with a RetroTINK4K scaler(Which has an incredibly daunting list of settings, scan lines & CRT softness adjustments, you name it! And only at 2.5ms of lag) and lets say the SNES(1Chip) using HD Retrovision component cables, in terms of having a more modern updated set up, if you don't plan on scoring those Analogue Super Nt, Mega Sg & Duo Consoles. Can't forget RetroUSB's AVS either. The Nt Mini cost about $2500 off eBay, so that's definitely out. lol



As for CRT's? The 2005 Sony WEGA Trintirons's are easily you're best bet, with LOW hours. They've all aged around 19 years, so take that into consideration. The picture will not look as good as it once did, especially in terms of brightness unless you can actually find one on market place that doesn't have tons of hours poured into it.

The QD-OLED will have perfect blacks, amazing brightness & Whiter Whites, but the CRT will reign supreme with it's incredible Blur-free motion and being nearly lag free. RetroTink has Black frame insertion options for OLED, which can reduce motion blur by 50% but unfortunately it can nearly double or triple input lag. On the flip side, you can counter act the 50% brightness loss from BFI by using RetroTINK's HDR brightness trick.

The perfect CRT replacement still doesn't exist just yet! Just grab yourself a 27-32" Sony Trintiron WEGA off Marketplace, lug that dinosaur-heavy beast home, and hook every retro console up to it using HD retrovision component cables. It's the far more affordable option to take, compared to spending thousands on a 55" QD-OLED(for ex), and then another thousand on a RetroTink4K. Although, the NES or TopLoader, including the N64 & TurboGrafx would all need an RGB mod unless you're content using composite for the NES & TGFX and S-Video for the N64. However, SNES & Genesis are good to go! Just grab the retrovision component cables for both and whalla. If you have a model 1 genesis you'll need to spend $15 on their component adapter, but that's no biggie.



Edited on by NeonPizza


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